Almost out of time!
Kategori: Capitol

Kategori: Capitol
Kategori: Tabletop
Kategori: Tabletop
Kategori: Capitol
Kategori: Brotherhood
Kategori: AVP
Kategori: AVP
Kategori: Tabletop
Kategori: Capitol
Kategori: Capitol
Kategori: Warzone
Kategori: Tabletop
Kategori: Capitol
Kategori: Capitol
Kategori: Tabletop
Kategori: Capitol
Kategori: Capitol
Kategori: Capitol
Kategori: Capitol
Kategori: Tabletop
Kategori: Capitol
Kategori: Tabletop
Q: What does Warzone mean for Questing Knigtht Games?
A: Warzone Resurrection is a very important product for us on both a personal and business level, the product has a massive and proven pedigree. We see Warzone Resurrection as a product that will have massive development potential and will be able to provide gamers with a great gaming experience.
Q:. How has the resurrection of Warzone affected QKG?
A: The sheer amount of excitement and enthusiasm has been so high in store it's been unbelievable, for us it will mean a big product investment of time and resources that will give the product the support it deserves.
Q: How is the Warzone Convention planning going?
A: The convention plan is going well, this is new ground for us and luckily we have a fantastic team at S.T.A.G.S. wargames club that is supporting us and Prodos in the organisation. we are facing new challenges such as making the convention as fan interactive a possible, the list of events we have so far such as the one day campaign , painting compitions, Mutant Chronicles RPG games will make this convention a fantastic experience.
Q: Is this your first big event?
A: No this is not our first big event to do with Warzone, in the past we have done some really big games for Warzone and run some huge campaigns, our player base for Warzone Resurrection is big we have some 30+ players locally and this number is growing fast, all I can say at this time is "watch this space" we have plans for some massive games on 30ft long tables and huge campaign!
IMPORTANT SIDE NOTE - Here´s an old article from Chronicles Era #2
Q: If the Convention is a success, will it be a yearly Convention?
A:We would like it if Prodos would allow us to do more conventions and yes I would like to see this become a yearly event tied into other events that we run so that we can help give the Warzone resurrection community great gaming experience's.
Q: Do Prodos and QKG have plans for other gatherings like tournaments and other competitions?
A: Good question, i can't say too much at this stage but can tell you that we have been working with Prodos on some ideas for tournaments next year and some more events. We hope that this convention allows us to show Prodos what we can do for them and showcase this product, one thing i can say Prodos are one of the best companies QKG has ever worked with and we have i think a great working relationship.
Q:What other games are big at QKG? Im guessing you have a relation to WHFB, especially Bretonnia?
A: Warhammer and 40K are of course big games here and we do also have a large "Historical" gaming following at our club, yep the Bretonnians are a very popular army!
Q: And finally, what Corporation/Legion/Faction is QKG hoping to see in Warzone Resurrections Second Wave?
A: Personally i want to see the forces of Muwhajie come to the gaming tables soon, but of course lots of people are waiting for the forces of Imperial to arrive that will cause a huge response here when imperial do come out and one we all are looking forward too.
Thank you very much for giving me your time to answer my questions, will be seeing you guys in November! ;)
Kategori: Capitol
Kategori: AVP
Kategori: Capitol
Kategori: AVP
Kategori: Tabletop
Kategori: Capitol
Kategori: Tabletop
Kategori: Allmänt
Kategori: Allmänt
Kategori: Tabletop
Kategori: Allmänt
Kategori: Allmänt
Kategori: Allmänt
Kategori: Allmänt
Enter into the fray of battle and represent your Corporation in this one day campaign.
Your Corporation needs YOU!
One day Seal Of Repulsion campaign Event:
The Seal of Repulsion campaign will be a one day "turn up and play" event.
One day Seal of Repulsion Campaign rules:
1. All models used MUST be Prodos WZR models, no other warzone models are to be used.
2. All models used MUST be on the recommended WZR base size as per the Prodos WZR rule set.
3. All forces entered must be of up to 500pts, and organized to the current WZR offensive organization table as per the Prodos WZR rule book.
4.Please be aware that the event organisers decisions are final in all game decisions.
1. Single model or vehicle only
2 Small model on base size of 30mm base
3. Medium models on 40mm or 50mm base
4. Large models on 80mm+ base size
Conversion work MUST be comprised of at least 75% WZR product; the other 25% may be other manufactures parts, putty, plastic card, etc.
Corporations on Parade is your chance to plan, collect, model and paint a WZR force, display it on a minimum sized display/terrain board measuring 12" x 12" up to 24" x 24" in size and show it off at the convention, everyone at the convention will have the chance to vote on which corporation on parade is best and an overall winner will be announced.
1. The corporation/faction force entered can be of any size from one squad up to and including multiple squads/vehicles/monsters.
2. Entries may include multiple corporations/factions in conflict on the display.
3. All figures/vehicles/monsters/terrain etc. entered on the displays must be fully painted and based.
4. Conversions entered must abide by the painting competition conversation rules.
Cos players are welcome to the WZR Convention and encouraged as their passion for their hobby is creating elaborate costumes based on the very characters that make up the WZR/Mutant Chronicles universe.
Please feel free to come in your favourite WZR character costume but please abide by the following guide lines:
There will be a Cos-Play prize for best costume on the day judged by the event organisers.
ALL decisions made by the event staff in all tournaments/campaigns/compitions are final and subject to rules and regulations for the day.
ALL decisions made by the event staff in all tournaments/campaigns/competitions are final and subject to rules and regulations for the day.
The Info is also available at