Im back atlast and now with both Gothcon and UK Games Expo creeping up on me, and an unpainted Imperial force just wont do!!
My NCOs are almost done only weapons, some tiny details and boots left. They will be removed from their bases and putted on clear bases when I get my hands on some ;)
After the success with the first trencher and the brilliant scheme on the NCO, I will do all "Trenchers" in that scheme instead and repaint the first one I made.
I thought I would start painting everyone at once since they all have same uniforms and hoping to save some time, which meant I would get to start to paint Rist to and WOW! He is turning out lovely! I have not yet dared to destroy my dear friend Rists face yet! What do you think about the scheme so far? Will throw up a pic of dear old Drougan to, so you get a hint at how the Blood Berets and Special Forces will look like!
Like this, but with the grey from the Trenchers trenchcoats on legs and arms! ;)
So here is the Imperial colour scheme I have decided on, since my character Seb and Drougan are both Terror Eagles I wanted them all have roughly the same colours so yellow it was!
First tests on a Trencher
Liked it so much that I had to try it out on one of the NCOs aswell! Love the colours sofar!
What do you guys think? I think they remind me of industrial workers or something!
So last night we got new recruits for my Imperial army, a squad of Golden Lions and a Hurricane Walker joined the ranks of my Imperial Line Defenses.
The Golden Lions bring an amazing CC potential to my army which is sofar pure Ranged with buffs from NCOs and Rist. So no change to my usual tactics since I am a ranged player in all games I play. But having a GL unit either Infiltrating or Rapid Deploy could be a real ace!
The Hurricane Walker is a shooting beast from hell! RoF 6 on his Mega Charger and a Heavy Chimney (Gas Weapon) as a secondary weapon. Not to mention the Trencher Nest upgrade which gives you additional weapon with RoF 5 cause of the Trenchers hidding behind sandbang on top of the walker! It also buffs your models within 10" and can un-burn three Resource cards!
A little scale shot
Everything put together sofar, just the Blood Berets that awaits some parts! (Oh and awaiting the nest for the Hurricane!)
So last night I started assembly of my Imperial army. The models are really great looking and almost no flash! All the details are so crisp, like the gasmask and grenades, the controls for the gasmask filters.. Just WOW!
So far I have assembled 5 x Trenchers with Invaders + Bayonets, 5 x Trenchers with Invaders (Cut off their Bayonets since two was broken), 2 x Imperial Trencher Officers (Or NCO if you would like to play them like squad commanders), The Greyhound Tankette and Brigadier "Righteous" Rist!
Thats not enough I also have 3 x Golden Lions, 5 x Blood Berets and a Hurricane Walker waiting to be assembled. I am also looking for clear bases for my Imperial army and I will make an order from Gamer Templates for either a Terror Eagles or Young Guard WzR templates + all the clear bases i need for my Imperials!
So it all started on Friday (Thursday was just dropping off a 50kg package, which my uncle carried by himself!!)
First to arrive of "Prodos Sweden" team, I was warmly welcomed by Rob, Elliot and Richard! The shop was already unpacked so we waited for our demo tables and our first customers, well after me.. I spent around 200£+ on minis before anyone else had a chance to see the stuff! Somethings was just to good to pass on!
Yea the Imperials, sold like nothing else! Wow those starter boxes were gone like the wind!
Rob was really looking forward to see what Sweden and Gothcon had to offer, since it according to him is like nothing in England. There people comes to the Prodos booth throws them money and says: "How much can I get for this!?"
Oh how lovely the Bauhausian Grizzly looks when its in pieces! ;)
So the shop was up and running with all four of us, selling and talking to excited fans of old and new. Lots of people who had no idea that Warzone finally was back! Lots of people were in our room all the time, people who had been visiting us before came back with their friends. It was really fun to see such love for the game!
Finally the saviour arrives, Andreas Erlandsson comes with our first demoboard and quickly builds it up and starts playing!
While they play we are busy in the shop (And taking photos, yes!) When another board comes in with Klas Whilney! He demands to face me in a demogame, sure why not!? ;)
Since we had no terrain over at the moment we had to have a large hill in the middle of the board to not get LoS at the beginning. He was playing Caps and I was playing Robs "Demohaus"
The rest of the demo armies, Imperial, Bauhaus extra units and the Dark Legion.
After being defeated by my apprentice Klas (In the picture I have Steiner left.. but it was not for long!) He looked for a little more compition in his match and fought on the third demo table against its owner, Andreas Engström!
The brave! (Or foolish?) Trencher runs forth against Alakhai and cuts him with his bayonet!
Rob is looking... good... as always! ;) Moving on! Bring on the evening and a dinner at the Moon!
After our visit there, Elliot came up with the saying: You never go full moon!
Saturday morning the one and the only Fredrik "Hamilkar" showed up! Finally mate you made it! Thank the gods you got off work!
And then Henrik dropped in and "Prodos Sweden" were in the building! Really great to meet you guys again! Oh and Henrik, thanks for the book you left me! ;)
Prods crew for Gothcon 2014, with guests of honour Kex Chocklad and Plopp!
The whole day was packed with people, the demotables were almost never unused! Really great to see so many people enjoying the game!
My blogbrother Johan (Diceandbrush) made an apperance on the Con, he´s a really cool and funny guy.. And a much better painter than me! ;) Here we can see him preparing a battle against his reallife brother!
Johan´s two armies. So great looking, really jealous! Especially on the Alakhai, be sure to check him out!
Fredrik is looking for some new resin too buy, well he is in the right place! Put in the Caps section? (Thats his big spender face he´s making!)
Never catched his name, but he wanted his Hamilkar signed!
Sunday (Aprox. 01.00 People would still call it saturday)
The match is on, I know you guys have waited forever for it. But now I can finally give you the......
Rob plays his Bauhaus and I try out the new Imperial who everybody says should be soooooo OP! Well lets go!
The greyhound was my last model, managed to kill Max and the Hussars but the Vulkan stomped me to bits, Vulkans win!!!
Rob, Richard and Elliot wanted a photo with the Worst WzR player in the world.. But since it was just the four of us it had to be two photos!
Overall a really great and fun weekend! Thanks to everybody that came to us at gothcon, Prodos, Demogamers, Fans and thanks to Gothcon that let us be apart of this awesome Convention! See you guys next year and as a final picture this is what I brought home with me!
So Salute happened yesterday and my blogbrother Ishi was there and will later today give us an update what happened over there! But as a tease he showed us these on facebook!
Mishima, Kunshu Dragon Riders
Mishima, Demon Hunters
Our friend Paul from Gamer Templates also got a load of stuff he bought. Seems like he also made an unboxing video, you can find it here -> UNBOXING VIDEO
But here is a picture of all the goodies he brought home
Now I cant wait til next week when Prodos get their games over to Sweden and I will help them out at Gothcon.
So earlier today the Imperial Pdf rules were released. You have red them right? Thats what I thought :) Its something really new and exciting very different from the other corps, you can if you want play them as 3 armies!!
Ministry of War - Trencher, Berets and the such.
Wolfbanes - Clansmen and Mourningwolves and the likes of these.
Or you could combined them and play them together!!
I really loved the rules for Imperial, their Gas, Gasmask and Medal system really gets my interest and I have already made up an army and what Medals I will use. But that we can talk about when I have the army! ;)
Also my friend Rist has his own Character in Imperial now, look him up he´s a super cool character!
Now you remember that secret project I was talking about? If you look at the front page you might see my name under the "Emblem Design Team"
Yes, thats right me and Rist were helping Prodos with the emblems, I did design and Rist cleared them up and made them more even, he also did some of the designs. Then Michal did his magic and wow the results are amazing! :D Check these out!
The Blood Berets logo. Classic with a skull, works really good!
The Golden Lions Logo, looks almost like a shield with a ferocious lion. Dig it!
In the back of the book are more logos for other special forces can you guess which is which?
Oh and who is this mysterious leader for the Terror Eagles?
Prodos also wanted us to know what to expect next ;)
Coming soon: Wolfbanes, Storm Trenchers, Imperial Special Forces, Young Guards, Necromower, Barracudas, Grey Ghosts, Bauhaus Bully and Expanded Build Your Own Hero PDF for ALL Factions!
So I´m back for now. Got to get pumped up because me and Prodos are gonna come kicking down at Gothcon!
Rob and some boys will manage the shop (They will have a whole classroom full of WzR stuff), and myself will throw some demogames. As it seems now my dear friend Dice and Brush wants go tag along for some learning from the master! (Thats me okey!?) Mr. Hamilkar himself will also make an apparence on the Saturday and maybe some special guests from the AvP Universe?
So look for us there and maybe these badass looking minis can be yours!
Trencher Squad Commanders?
Hurricane Walker (Light Viechle)
Trenchers, notice that Charger? Yea It can be yours!
Golden Lions, AKA Shredders, the Turtle Banes!
The Light Tankette!
And this Badass mini!
Valpurgis, but I will seriously play him as Saladin, until Saladin turn up in mini! ;)
And on the other hand here are some of the minis you can drool over at Gothcon until the get out in May! :D
Cant wait for them to show up on my birthday! :D
And different news, I have been working on a secret project I hope I can share with all of you soon! Otherwise you guys will have to wait some time, but it will be worth it! :D
Maximum Power Naturally Aspirated: 280bhp @ 6800rpm
Maximum Torque Naturally Aspirated: 232lb ft @ 5500rpm
Really cool, the boys at FB have been talking and they either think is the new look for the Golden Lions or something new perhaps an Imperial "Juggernaut"?
Firstly sorry for not posting some updates lately but there are bigger things (Not good) thats happening in my life right now. So hopefully I´ll be back posting my ass off in April/May.. Thanks for your understanding!
Now those Imperials!!
Oh Trenchers, and a charger! Fanboys screams in joy!
Imperial Officers, could they be a Squad Commander Upgrade for the Trenchers? We can only hope!
They will be available 12/4 at Salute and on the Webstore the day after!
Now all I wait for is some Light Viehcles, Blood Berets and mine and Marks favourites the Young Guards. Then I have all I want for my army (Too start with atleast!)
So now it was time for Andrew Drougan to get some love. And what a joy he is painting. Much thanks to my friend Rob from Prodos who gave me tips on how to paint Yellow, it turned out amazing! (If you ask me atleast)
He is still WIP but I wanted to give him the oldschool Drougan look with yellow Doomtrooper armor.
So here he is, enjoy!
He is actually turning out so great that my entire Imperial army will rock the Yellow armor! Thanks again Rob!
So first of here´s the B-Hood squads we havnt seen!
The Mortificators!
The Sacred Warriors
The Inquisitors!
And here are the Convension Exclusive models The Archangel and the new "the former Bauhausian Cybertronic Mirrorman Pieter Diamond will be a web exclusive model hopefully available in either normal or clear resin. He will also be available at Conventions." He is the upgraded squad commander for the Mirrormen.
And even more here are some pictures of the book and cards! (The book are sample pages before printing)
And here it is, Prodos Timeline! Imperial is not far away now!! I can feel the Young Guards beeing rendered now!
Other news stated by Prodos is that The Crucifier are being resculpt since he was to thin and had a static pose which didnt look good for the mean killing machine he is! The other thing being resculpt is the Valkyries weapons cause the were "too fine" and redesigned.
So here you go, things are busy at Prodos now! Be seeing you guys at the convention for more sweet WZR!
Third times the charm right? I've tried to write this two times today.. But here it is!
This weekend is full of activity! Today I'm (the whole family) moving to a new apartment! And on Sunday my little girl turns two years old!
Even with all the stress and panick packing I found time to glue together WZR Characters!
Mitch Hunter He will be my Warlord in smaller games 500 - 600pts. In larger games he will be paired with either Bob or Drougan for a Doomtrooper pair.
Big Bob This towering fellow will be my Warlord of choice since Im really a Ranged player. With him in charge Mitch and Drougan can pair up.
Drougan Now this guy cannot be used as a Warlord in Capitol since he's Imperial so he have to rely to his good relations to my Mitch to be able to see some fighting ;)