My gaming blog about nerd stuff!

The Imperial army grows!

Kategori: Imperial

So last night I started assembly of my Imperial army. The models are really great looking and almost no flash! All the details are so crisp, like the gasmask and grenades, the controls for the gasmask filters.. Just WOW! 
So far I have assembled 5 x Trenchers with Invaders + Bayonets, 5 x Trenchers with Invaders (Cut off their Bayonets since two was broken), 2 x Imperial Trencher Officers (Or NCO if you would like to play them like squad commanders), The Greyhound Tankette and Brigadier "Righteous" Rist!
Thats not enough I also have 3 x Golden Lions, 5 x Blood Berets and a Hurricane Walker waiting to be assembled. I am also looking for clear bases for my Imperial army and I will make an order from Gamer Templates for either a Terror Eagles or Young Guard WzR templates + all the clear bases i need for my Imperials!


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