WzR at Gothcon!
Kategori: Tabletop

What you see above is the picture which will have at the Gothcon page, If any of our Swedish brothers or sisters are interested about what WzR are? Come on down and bring your friends! I will pesonally be there and do some demo games and report on all the cool stuff and people who comes by there here on the blog!
Also be sure to check out their amazing range of minis in the shop managed by Rob and Elliot, who will sell their full range of Warzone goodies
Also If you are and old or new Mutant Chronicles fan, if all you want to do is come talk some oldtime warstories (RPG, Warzone or Doomtrooper) dont hesitate to come by! We will see you there!
Bloggadress: http://diceandbrush.blogspot.com