Free Marines Update + The end of AvP
Kategori: AVP
So here´s where I´m at with the Free Marines I did want to give them all the same skin tone since they are (Except for characters) the only minis with skin showing in the army.

One redish "sunkissed" skin, a darkbrown skin tone and a more yellowish to bring out more character to them and for me to test my skinpainting skills. Yes I agree not the best pictures, will try to get better later!
And to the AvP KS which is now successfully funded, it ended at £379k and all the juicy stretch goals where met! And the 2000 backers goal was also unlocked.
We unlocked the Predator ship set and the extra Pred tiles to the main game, as well as the W-Y Commandos, the free markers and doublesided board tiles.
And the 390k stretch goal Prodos were nice enough to give us anyway! Which was!............

An add-on for £5 if we break the £380k Goal. 4 Guns (flamer x2 and smartguns x2) with arms, 1 alternative Sergeant head and 2 different Predator heads.