2 vs 2 at Questing Knight
Kategori: Capitol

We thought we would face each other BUT! Questing Knight had other plans and pitted my Capitol and Henriks Mishima against Cybertronic and Dark Legion!

So right to the good stuff right? They won the deployment roll and gave it to us. So here´s my force without the Airbourne Rangers whos stil in the plane ( Rapid deployment).
So we dicided to hold one front each so i was pitted against the Legion and Mishima against Cybertronic. Henrik hid in the forest while I was more in the open for more flexibel movement!

So we dicided to hold one front each so i was pitted against the Legion and Mishima against Cybertronic. Henrik hid in the forest while I was more in the open for more flexibel movement!
So we did win the first Initiative roll and the Light Infantry was the first to get going.

My other unit to be activated was the Banshees i used the jumppacks to get ahead of the rest of the army to shot at some Undead legionaires!
And in the meantime my Light Infatry see this coming in the streets!
A Scorpion! Truly a hideous sight! ( Unless hes on your side)

I took out two of the Legionaires with two shots! Victory will be mine!!! ( Or so I thought...)
They UL with their Necromutant commander were activated and after that( Henrik played between) there were his Razides and lets just say... This was what remained!

A Scorpion! Truly a hideous sight! ( Unless hes on your side)
On the Dark Legion front Golgotha finally makes a move and are on her way!
With a steady shambling of Undead behind her!
They Cybers are taking their time and sending in its Scorpions first!
This is actually quite funny... This was the beginning of many good laughs today! The Ronin tried to hit the UL:s but Henrik is a MASTER! of rolling over 17... with like everything he did! Mishima Quality!
So we targeting the Undead Legionaires and kill 2 of them! Yay more Zombies destroyed!
On the other front the Meka has taken a few hits but are still going strong and have taken out a Scorpion and are now looking to chop ut some circute sushi of the Chasseurs!

With a steady shambling of Undead behind her!

They Cybers are taking their time and sending in its Scorpions first!

This is actually quite funny... This was the beginning of many good laughs today! The Ronin tried to hit the UL:s but Henrik is a MASTER! of rolling over 17... with like everything he did! Mishima Quality!
So my brave Infantry runs up the alley and now the Questing Knigths guys tells me I can shot grenades with my M50:s.. What?! Really! Lets do it then!

So we targeting the Undead Legionaires and kill 2 of them! Yay more Zombies destroyed!
So my Mitch was feeling alittle lonely on the left front with 2 Razides and Golgotha on her way, I dropped the Airbournes and unleashed a hail of missles at the Razides.. with little affect! 3 missed and only 1 wound!!!

So the next thing the DL player does is engage my poor old Airbournes! Picking of two right away!

Meanwhile Mitch hides out in the bushes and feels he´s beeing watched!

On the other front the Meka has taken a few hits but are still going strong and have taken out a Scorpion and are now looking to chop ut some circute sushi of the Chasseurs!

The other Scorpion gets to taste the Capitol Shotgun, and he doesnt like it!
And Mitch turns into a human hurricane and wipes out the Undead Legionares and Necromutant Leader, then he´s an easy target for the Razides who chopped up the poor Airbournes real good!
So now he´s down to his last wound! And are still in the open.. What are you doing Mitch!?
But it´s okey, she´s only ST 10. so no problems with saving that!
I just say this. No he didnt make it! :(
Then they charged the Everassaur and gets down to only one after a Undead Legionare and Necromutant charge raising more Undead legionares.

And Mitch turns into a human hurricane and wipes out the Undead Legionares and Necromutant Leader, then he´s an easy target for the Razides who chopped up the poor Airbournes real good!

So now he´s down to his last wound! And are still in the open.. What are you doing Mitch!?
Then suddenly Golgotha uses her mirror and shows up and brings the pain with 6 attacks in the back of Mitch! (Ouch)

But it´s okey, she´s only ST 10. so no problems with saving that!
Back to the other front where Meka is chopping Chasseurs, no problems there!
Then back to Mitch again.... This could be alittle more troublesome!

I just say this. No he didnt make it! :(
So now I´m down to my last guy! One brave little Light Infantry!

So here he is! The Ronin squad makes a BANZAAAIIII!!!! And chops the Scorpion to bits!

Then they charged the Everassaur and gets down to only one after a Undead Legionare and Necromutant charge raising more Undead legionares.
My Light Infantry then panics and shoots a granade in the middle of it..... And to his great dissapointment only kills his Mishima friend! ;(
He then is charged by the Everassaur and are smashed to bloody paste...

Ha even though we lost this is one great game! Really fun and amazing rules, makes the battles feel more real and gives every model his own chance to shine! Im really impressed with the rules, minis and the joy of playing!
Thank you Questing Knight Games! This was really fun, both meeting you guys and play in your shop! Thanks for having us and will be seeing you guys tomorrow!